The query took 0.000188 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: query SET sql_mode = ''
The query took 0.001321 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: __construct SELECT `Name`,`Class`,`Plugin`,`Code` FROM `fl_hooks` WHERE (`Status` = 'active')
The query took 0.000254 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: __construct SELECT `Default` FROM `fl_config` WHERE `Key` = 'cache_method' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000577 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: fetch SELECT `Key`,`Default` FROM `fl_config`
The query took 0.000248 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: fetch SELECT `Key`,`Version` FROM `fl_plugins` WHERE (`Status` = 'active')
The query took 0.000292 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: rewriteGet SELECT `Code`, IF(`Code` = "it", 1, 0) AS `Order`,`Key`,`Direction`,`Locale`,`Date_format`,`Status` FROM `fl_languages` WHERE (`Status` = 'active') ORDER BY `Order` DESC
The query took 0.000315 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: rewriteGet SELECT `Key`,`Value`,`Code` FROM `fl_lang_keys` WHERE (`module` = 'common') AND `Key` LIKE 'languages+name+%'
The query took 0.000316 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: rewriteGet SELECT `T1`.*, `T2`.`Value` AS `name`
FROM `fl_multi_formats` AS `T1`
LEFT JOIN `fl_multi_formats_lang_it` AS `T2` ON `T2`.`Key` = `T1`.`Key`
WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' AND (
`Path` = 'motors/cars/alpina' ) LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000266 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: rewriteGet SELECT `T1`.*, `T2`.`Value` AS `name`
FROM `fl_multi_formats` AS `T1`
LEFT JOIN `fl_multi_formats_lang_it` AS `T2` ON `T2`.`Key` = `T1`.`Key`
WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' AND (
`Path` = 'motors/cars' ) LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000262 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: rewriteGet SELECT `T1`.*, `T2`.`Value` AS `name`
FROM `fl_multi_formats` AS `T1`
LEFT JOIN `fl_multi_formats_lang_it` AS `T2` ON `T2`.`Key` = `T1`.`Key`
WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' AND (
`Path` = 'motors' ) LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000169 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: fetch SELECT `Key` FROM `fl_listing_types` WHERE (`ref_short_urls` = '1')
The query took 0.000213 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: getBotsList SELECT `Code` FROM `fl_hooks` WHERE `Name` = 'boot' AND `Plugin` = 'botBlocker' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000265 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: query SELECT `T1`.`Links_type`, `T1`.`Key`, `T2`.`Path` FROM `fl_listing_types` AS `T1` JOIN `fl_pages` AS `T2` ON `T2`.`Key` = CONCAT('lt_', `T1`.`Key`) WHERE (`Links_type` = 'short' OR `Links_type` = 'subdomain') AND `T1`.`Status` = 'active'
The query took 0.000625 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: get SELECT `T1`.*, IF(`T2`.`Status` = 'active', 1, 0) AS `Advanced_search_availability` FROM `fl_listing_types` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_search_forms` AS `T2` ON `T1`.`Key` = `T2`.`Type` AND `T2`.`Mode` = 'advanced' WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Order`
The query took 0.000277 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: get SELECT `T1`.* FROM `fl_account_types` AS `T1` WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' ORDER BY `Position`
The query took 0.000271 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: query SELECT * FROM `fl_pages` WHERE `Path` = CONVERT('motors' USING utf8) AND `Status` = 'active' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000266 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: getCategory SELECT `ID`,`Parent_ID`,`Parent_IDs`,`Path`,`Key`,`Count`,`Lock`,`Type`,`Level`,`Add`,`Status` FROM `fl_categories` WHERE (`Status` = 'active') AND (`Path` = 'cars/alpina/b10') AND (`Type` = 'motors') LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000345 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: query SELECT `ID`, `Key`, `Side`, `Type`, `Content`, `Tpl`, `Header`, `Position`, `Plugin`, `Options` FROM `fl_blocks` WHERE `Status` = 'active' AND (FIND_IN_SET('329', `Page_ID`) > 0 OR `Sticky` = '1') ORDER BY `Position`
The query took 0.012721 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: fetch SELECT `Key`,`Value`,`JS` FROM `fl_lang_keys`
WHERE `Status` = 'active' AND `Code` = 'de'
(`Module` = 'frontEnd' OR `Module` = 'common')
AND (`Target_key` = '' OR `Target_key` = 'listing_type')
OR (`Module` = 'box' AND `Target_key` IN ('ltcategories_motors','search_on_map','ltpb_motors','ltsb_motors'))
The query took 0.001032 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: query SET time_zone = '+1:00'
The query took 0.000428 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: init SELECT `Key` FROM `fl_listing_fields` WHERE (`Condition` = 'countries') AND (`Status` = 'active') AND `Key` NOT LIKE 'citizenship%' ORDER BY `Key`
The query took 0.000244 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: init SELECT `Key` FROM `fl_account_fields` WHERE (`Condition` = 'countries') AND (`Status` = 'active') AND `Key` NOT LIKE 'citizenship%' ORDER BY `Key`
The query took 0.000327 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: getAll SELECT `Key`, `Path` FROM `fl_pages` WHERE (`Status` = 'active')
The query took 0.000322 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: loadClass SELECT * FROM `fl_payment_gateways` WHERE `Status` = 'active'
The query took 0.000196 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: getAll SELECT * FROM `fl_membership_services` WHERE `Status` = 'active'
The query took 0.000432 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: fetch SELECT `ID`,`Page_type`,`Key`,`Path`,`Get_vars`,`Controller`,`No_follow`,`Menus`,`Deny`,`Login` FROM `fl_pages` WHERE (`Status` = 'active') ORDER BY `Position`
The query took 0.000430 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: getAll SELECT * FROM `fl_data_formats` WHERE `Conversion` = '1' AND `Parent_ID` = 0
The query took 0.000188 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: getAll SELECT `Rate`, `Key` FROM `fl_data_formats` WHERE `Parent_ID` = 126796
The query took 0.000182 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: getAll SELECT `Rate`, `Key` FROM `fl_data_formats` WHERE `Parent_ID` = 126810
The query took 0.000184 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: getAll SELECT `Rate`, `Key` FROM `fl_data_formats` WHERE `Parent_ID` = 126928
The query took 0.002258 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: replaceLangKeys SELECT `Key`,`Value`,`JS` FROM `fl_lang_keys` WHERE `Target_key` = '' AND `Module` = 'category' AND `Code` = 'de' AND `Status` = 'active'
The query took 0.002682 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: getAll SELECT `T1`.*, `T3`.`Key` AS `Key`, `T3`.`Type` AS `Listing_type`, `T3`.`Parent_keys`, `T3`.`Parent_IDs`, `T3`.`Path` AS `Path`, IF(`T1`.`Featured_date` <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '1', '0') `Featured` FROM `fl_listings` AS `T1` LEFT JOIN `fl_categories` AS `T3` ON `T1`.`Category_ID` = `T3`.`ID` WHERE `T1`.`Status` = 'active' AND `T3`.`Type` = 'motors' ORDER BY `Featured_date` DESC , `T1`.`date` DESC LIMIT 0, 30
The query took 0.000355 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: adaptValue SELECT `Value` FROM `fl_multi_formats_lang_de` WHERE `Key` = 'countries_switzerland_ticino_ligornetto' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000352 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: adaptValue SELECT `Value` FROM `fl_multi_formats_lang_de` WHERE `Key` = 'countries_switzerland_ticino_cresciano' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000235 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: adaptValue SELECT `Value` FROM `fl_multi_formats_lang_de` WHERE `Key` = 'countries_switzerland_ticino_coldrerio' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000262 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: adaptValue SELECT `Value` FROM `fl_multi_formats_lang_de` WHERE `Key` = 'countries_switzerland_ticino_mendrisio' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000353 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: adaptValue SELECT `Value` FROM `fl_multi_formats_lang_de` WHERE `Key` = 'countries_switzerland_ticino_canobbio' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000241 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: adaptValue SELECT `Value` FROM `fl_multi_formats_lang_de` WHERE `Key` = 'countries_switzerland_ticino_giubiasco' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000213 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: adaptValue SELECT `Value` FROM `fl_multi_formats_lang_de` WHERE `Key` = 'countries_switzerland_ticino_riva_san_vitale' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000252 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: adaptValue SELECT `Value` FROM `fl_multi_formats_lang_de` WHERE `Key` = 'countries_switzerland_ticino_lugano' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000436 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: adaptValue SELECT `Value` FROM `fl_multi_formats_lang_de` WHERE `Key` = 'countries_switzerland_ticino_bellinzona' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000427 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: query SELECT * FROM `fl_pages` WHERE `Key` = '404' AND `Status` = 'active' LIMIT 1
The query took 0.000333 seconds to load. /var/www/vhosts/ / function: getRow SELECT `Value` FROM `fl_lang_keys` WHERE (`Key` = 'pages+content+404') AND (`Code` = 'de') AND `Status` = 'active' LIMIT 1
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